像癌症这样的疾病通常会给病人的健康带来衰弱的并发症,甚至危及生命. 通过早期筛查, these diseases can often be caught and treated early, reducing their impact on the body. Research from the 美国肺脏协会 supports this premise. 研究结果表明,使用计算机断层扫描(CT)机器每年进行一次扫描,可以帮助高危患者减少高达20%的肺癌死亡率.
使用功能强大的成像设备进行诊断和治疗可以对患者的健康产生决定性的影响,但这些技术需要具有专业知识的人员安全有效地操作. 那些希望从事这一职业道路的人应该考虑如何成为一名放射技术人员及其好处 radiology technician training program 可以提供.
放射技术,也叫 放射学技术 放射技师负责为病人操作和执行医疗成像服务. 医疗保健专家使用成像服务将身体内部部位可视化以进行诊断, 例如检查疾病或事故对骨骼和器官造成的损害. Some imaging technologies are used to create:
- x射线
- 计算机断层扫描(CT)扫描
- Magnetic resonance (MRI) scans
While many of these technologies use radiation as part of their imaging, their use is generally much less harmful or invasive, making them a critical aspect of the diagnostic process. To ensure protection from the limited radiation these machines emit, 放射科技术人员还负责有效地向患者解释手术过程并回答问题, checking to remove improper clothing or jewelry before a procedure, and providing protective outerwear such as lead coats and aprons.
While radiology techs are trained to use imaging machines, it’s typical for most to specialize in specific machines or procedures. 专业领域的例子包括乳房x光检查、放射治疗和骨密度测量. 不像那些专攻, such as someone who becomes an X-ray technician, 放射技术有更广泛的实践范围,可以操作许多机器. This can be advantageous when it comes to employment.
Steps to Become a Radiology Tech
由于经常接触辐射,医疗成像设备的使用可能是复杂和危险的. In addition to the safe and effective operation of these machines, 放射科技术人员还必须具有高度的同理心,以妥善照顾可能面临令人担忧的诊断的患者. 为了满足这些条件, 那些渴望学习如何成为一名放射技术人员的人需要遵循几个关键步骤来为这条职业道路做准备.
想要进入这一领域的人需要一个副学士学位或培训欧博app, 哪一个通常涵盖了普通科学和健康教育的更基本的方面,同时允许关注放射设备. 这种教育途径有利于有抱负的放射技术人员,他们需要在技术等领域的多样性知识, 病人护理, 和解剖学.
These programs also typically last for around two years, 与传统的四年制学位相比,放射科技术人员进入劳动力市场的速度相当快.
Step 2: Earn Certifications and Licenses
To practice as a radiology tech, 在一些州,需要美国放射技师注册局(ARRT)的认证. To acquire this certification, one must pass both an exam and an ethical review. ARRT要求每两年更新一次认证,以确保技术人员掌握最新的放射设备和程序.
While it is not always a requirement from the state, many employers look for candidates who are certified, 反映未来的员工已经达到并展示了高水平的实践. 出于这个原因,认证通常是值得追求的,即使它不是绝对的要求. Those looking to receive certification for specific procedures, 比如乳房x光检查, 还可以获得额外的认证,向雇主展示他们的专业技能吗. In addition to these certifications, states may require licensure to practice.
成为一名放射技术人员需要技能来支持他们提供技术专业知识和患者护理的整体方法. Here are a few skills that radiology techs should build to offer effective care.
- 沟通. 向患者解释他们如何需要长时间保持某些姿势或动作, listening to their needs before the procedure, and accommodating them by providing comfort, 同时,以平静的方式回答问题可以减轻病人的担忧,加快治疗过程.
- 解决问题. Equipment may need adjusting or correction based on a patient’s specific needs. Making quick course corrections while maintaining accuracy is crucial.
- 组织技能. 放射技术发现的结果通常需要患者护理团队中众多专业人员的分析. 确保每个病人的档案都被妥善组织并分配给合适的医疗保健专业人员,对于确保快速和适当的治疗至关重要.
- Medical and Anatomical Knowledge. Radiology equipment requires precise aiming and calibration to a patient’s body. 通过了解特定骨骼和器官的位置,技术人员可以实时调整图像并调查异常迹象.
Job Outlook for Radiology Techs
根据美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), radiology techs have a good job outlook, with a projected growth of 6% between 2022 and 2032. This is higher than the average 5% projected growth for the U.S. 整个就业市场.
This positive employment projection is based on a few key factors, says the BLS. These include the rise in chronic diseases, 破坏性的伤害, 从事故中跌落, especially among the country’s aging population. 这就对诊断成像程序和熟练的放射技术人员提出了更高的要求.
Visualize Your Future as a Radiology Tech
作为一名放射技师的职业生涯可以是一条有益的道路,将技术专长与移情病人护理相结合. 如果成为一名放射技师听起来是一个诱人的职业选择,那就考虑加入富通吧 放射技术专家计划. 这个欧博app的特色课程包括辐射安全、图像分析和病人护理. 它也为你在获得副学士学位毕业后获得证书的机会做好准备.
With a combination of foundational classes, 小组欧博app, 实践学习, and the development of real-world skills, Fortis can help you earn a well-rounded education, preparing you to take a first step toward a career in radiology technology.
Discover how you can make a difference in patients’ lives with Fortis.
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